Does Fitbit Have Fall Detection?

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Do you want to gift a Fitbit smartwatch to your elders? Are you wondering if Fitbits have fall detection or not?

In this article, I am going to clear your doubts regarding Fitbit fall detection. Not only this but I will also share the Fitbit smartwatch alternatives that have a fall-detection feature.

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Quick Takeaway
No Fitbit smartwatch or fitness tracker has a hard fall detection feature to date. Even the latest Fitbit Versa 4 and Sense 2 do not come with incident detection. However, brands like Samsung, Apple, Garmin, etc. offer fall detection in their smartwatches so you can choose one of them if you want.

Does Fitbit Have Hard Fall Detection?

Fitbit Versa 3

No, Fitbit fitness trackers or smartwatches do not come with fall detection features to date. Even the newly launched Fitbit Versa 4 and Sense 2 do not offer it.

Smartwatches not only come with health and fitness tracking features but also come with features that can turn out to be a lifesaver. And one such feature is fall detection.

This feature can be really helpful to you if you:

In any of the above-mentioned cases, you must want to be prepared for any unfortunate event beforehand, right? This is where the fall detection feature comes really handy. And if you are planning to buy a Fitbit smartwatch then you must be wondering whether or not it comes with incident detection.

Unfortunately, Fitbit has not introduced fall detection feature on its smartwatches and fitness trackers yet.

What Is Fall Detection?

Fall detection as the name suggests is a feature that detects falls. It is offered in smartwatches and detects if the wearer has experienced a hard fall or not. If it detects a hard fall then it alerts the emergency contacts of the person of the incident. As a result, the wearer can get the needed help on time.

If you are wondering about its benefit then let me paint you a picture. Imagine that you are going on hiking alone and there is no one on that trail. While hiking, unfortunately, you slipped, hit your head on the rock, and become unconscious. What do you think happens then? It seems chilling even to imagine this, right? But what if it happens for real?

If you don’t get help then things can turn very ugly, right? But if you have a fall detection feature in your smartwatch then it can detect the incident and can inform your emergency contacts of the same. They can then come to your rescue and provide you with the help that you need. I am sure you must have understood by now how important this feature can be in certain conditions.

How Does Fall Detection Work On Smartwatches?

Does Fitbit Have Fall Detection

Now let me tell you in brief how fall detection works on smartwatches.

All smartwatches have different sensors to track the health and fitness of one’s body. One of these sensors is the accelerometer. It is responsible to track the movement of the body of the smartwatch wearer. Smartwatches mainly use this sensor to track your workouts.

The incident detection feature in smartwatches also makes use of the accelerometer to track the movement of the body. Now just imagine what will happen if you fall down suddenly and become unconscious. When you will fall down then the accelerometer will record a very sudden and harsh movement, right? It will then be followed by no movement at all.

If the smartwatch detects this pattern then it takes it as a hard fall and triggers fall detection. It then waits for a few seconds and then sends an alert to your emergency contacts along with your location. So that you can get the desired medical treatment on time if needed.

What Smartwatches Have Fall Detection?

Now that you know how incident detection can save lives, you must want to buy a smartwatch that has one, right? But since Fitbit watches do not come with fall detection, therefore you will have to look for other brands. And let me tell you big smartwatch brands like Apple, Garmin, and Samsung offer fall detection in smartwatches. So if you want then you can buy anyone one of the following watches:

You can also check out more watches by reading my best smartwatch with fall detection article here.

Should You Buy A Smartwatch With Fall Detection?

I think you must have got the answer to this question by now. But if you are still hanging in the middle then let me help you out.

Yes, you should definitely buy a smartwatch with a fall-detection feature. Especially if you go on running or hiking alone or you want to gift a smartwatch to your elders. This feature can save the life of yours and your loved ones.


Can Fitbit Tell If You Fall?

No, Fitbit can’t tell if you fall.

Does Fitbit Versa 4 Has Fall Detection?

No, Fitbit Versa 4 does not have an incident detection feature.

Does Fitbit Send An Alert If You Have A Hard Fall?

No, Fitbit does not send an alert to your loved ones if you experience a hard fall.

What Fitbits Have Fall Detection?

No Fitbit has a Fall detection feature yet.

Is There Any Fall Detection app For Fitbit?

No, there is no fall detection app available for Fitbit smartwatches.

Hemant Mendiratta

Hemant's love for watches started when his grandfather gifted him his Rolex watch when he turned 18! Being a teenager it was a big deal for him. Later when he got his first job he bought Fossil Palm Pilot back in 2003 which was a smartwatch. Since then smartwatches have come a long way and so is Hemant's love for them. His experience with watches inspired him to start Wearholic and share his knowledge of wearables including watches, smartwatches, smart glasses, & smart clothing.

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