[Fixed] Galaxy Watch Heart Rate Sensor Not Working

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Heart rate tracking is an essential feature for smartwatches nowadays. It is a major piece of their tech that comes in handy whether you want to auto-detect your workouts, exercises, and activities, or keep track of your health or calories burned. Therefore, it can be troublesome if your Samsung Galaxy Watch heart rate sensor is not working.

So, if you are having a problem monitoring your heart rate on your Galaxy Watch, then don’t stress about it to increase your heart rate. In this article, I will share some methods to troubleshoot this issue. So without any delay, let’s get to it.

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Quick Takeaway
If the heart rate sensor on your Galaxy Watch is not working then you can try to adjust the watch band or clean the sensor. If it doesn’t work then you can try to reboot your Samsung watch. Also, check for any pending Software updates. Lastly, you can try to reset your Galaxy Watch. If the issue continues after trying all these things then the only thing left to do is to contact Samsung support.

Benefits Of Heart Rate Monitoring On Galaxy Watch

Heart rate tracking is a fairly standard feature offered on most smartwatches including Samsung Galaxy Watch 4, 5, and 6 as well. It would be really hard for us to monitor our health and activities effectively without being able to measure the heart rate.

Apart from the amount of calories burned, tracking your heart rate while exercising can also show you how much stress is on your body so you can safely increase or decrease the intensity of your workouts.

Tracking your heart rate can also let you know how much stress you are experiencing throughout the day. You can also get alerts on your Galaxy Watch if your heart rate goes above or below the levels you set while resting.

Fixes: Galaxy Watch Heart Rate Sensor Not Working

The heart rate sensor of your Galaxy Watch may not be able to function properly due to various reasons. Below, I’m sharing all the fixes that you can try to troubleshoot this issue so your Galaxy Watch can again start to track your heart rate. You can try these methods on whichever Galaxy Watch you are having, be it Galaxy Watch 4, 5, or 6.

Adjust Your Watch Band

If your Samsung Watch sits too loose on your wrist then it may cause the heart rate sensor to not function properly. Make sure that your Galaxy Watch has a snug fit on your wrist. You can try to tighten and adjust your Galaxy Watch band so that it sits comfortably on your wrist.

Adjusting Galaxy Watch Band

Clean The Sensor

People tend to sweat a lot throughout the day, especially during workouts and other activities. Sweat and dirt can cover the sensor, which can cause it to not read your heart rate. So make sure to clean the sensor of your Galaxy Watch so it can again start to measure your heart rate. It is recommended to clean your Galaxy Watch screen and sensor with a microfiber cloth.

Cleaning Samsung Watch Sensor

Reboot Your Galaxy Watch

If the sensor on your Samsung Galaxy Watch is not reading your heart rate then you can always try to restart it. Though this may seem like a simple thing to do, you’d be surprised how often you can resolve various issues including the heart rate sensor not working on your Galaxy Watch by simply rebooting it. To reboot your Galaxy Watch press and hold both the power button and the back button for several seconds.

Samsung Galaxy Watch Heart Rate Sensor Not Working

Update The Software

Check for pending software updates on your Galaxy Watch. Always make sure that your Samsung Galaxy Watch is up to date with the latest Software version. If there are any bugs or issues in the software that may interfere with the proper functioning of your Samsung Watch, then installing software updates on it can often fix this issue. To check for pending Software updates, go to settings, open Software updates and tap on Download and install.

Why Won't My Galaxy Watch Read My Heart Rate

Reset Your Galaxy Watch

If all the other methods fail to get the heart rate sensor of your Galaxy Watch to work, then the only thing left to do is reset your Samsung Watch. Doing a factory reset reverts your Watch to the brand-new state software-wise. It can fix all issues caused by changes in settings or personal preferences. To do that, go to About watch in Settings and tap on Reset.

Resetting Galaxy Watch

Contact Samsung Support

There can be instances where even after performing all these troubleshooting steps, the heart rate sensor of your Samsung Watch may still not work. In this case, the issue is certainly with a physical component of the watch. You should immediately contact Samsung support or visit a nearby Samsung service center.

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Galaxy Watch Heart Rate Sensor Not Working? Final Verdict

The heart rate monitor is an indispensable component of all Samsung Galaxy Watches. If this sensor stops working, then many integrated features of your Samsung Watch will not be able to function properly. I’ve mentioned some troubleshooting methods that you can try if your Galaxy Watch’s heart rate sensor is not working. But if your issue persists even after performing all the troubleshooting steps, then you should contact Samsung support.


How Do I Get The Continuous Heart Rate On My Samsung Watch?

Go to Settings on your Galaxy Watch and open Health. Now tap on Heart rate and select Measure continuously.

How Accurate Are Samsung Galaxy Watches For Heart Rate?

Samsung Galaxy Watches can track your heart rate with up to 95% accuracy.

How To Calibrate Galaxy Watch?

Open Samsung Health Monitor and tap on View history. Tap on the hamburger menu and select Recalibrate, finally tap on Recalibrate the watch.

Hemant Mendiratta

Hemant's love for watches started when his grandfather gifted him his Rolex watch when he turned 18! Being a teenager it was a big deal for him. Later when he got his first job he bought Fossil Palm Pilot back in 2003 which was a smartwatch. Since then smartwatches have come a long way and so is Hemant's love for them. His experience with watches inspired him to start Wearholic and share his knowledge of wearables including watches, smartwatches, smart glasses, & smart clothing.

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